Remuneration Policy Dorens & De Waal B.V. (DDW Group)
Dorens & De Waal B.V. operates as an advisor and insurance intermediary under the trade names:
Our services are focused on serving the interests of our clients while ensuring profitable compensation for our company in return for our services.
The remuneration policy of DDW Group is designed to ensure an ethical and controlled business operation. The management and employees are solely compensated with a fixed salary, which is considered market competitive and in relation to their education, experience, and the products and services we offer. Increases in the fixed salary are based on a growth in experience, performance, and the extent to which employees have prioritized client interests.
Neither the salary nor its increases are tied to sales targets or objectives directly derived from sales, other than client satisfaction and the prioritization of client interests. The fixed annual salary consists of 12 monthly payments plus 8% holiday allowance. In the assessment of performance of our employees, service and client interests are key evaluation criteria.
Regulations also require us to disclose whether we employ staff earning a salary of more than €1,000,000.-- We can confirm that this is certainly not the case.
Should any changes occur in the remuneration policy, a revised version of this policy will be published.